Nature Chair

Nature Chair

The Nature Chair can be found at Loughnanane Park, Roscommon Town. It reflects the wildfowl and animals that are native to the turlough and natural wetlands surrounding the area and is carved of Cedar.



From the old Gaelic, Púca ….meaning goblin. The origin of the word Pooka is Scandinavian and translates as tree spirit. The Pooka is also known for shapeshifting into such forms as a rabbit, goat, goblin and an old man. This one is carved in Oak and resides at Castletown House…

The Norse Approach

The Norse Approach

My impression of the Viking sea serpent Jormungand, carved at the prow mast of the beautiful Viking longships… is depicted here rising above the sea swell! A commission for Fingal Co. Council carved from Macracarpa Cedar beams and it can be found in Howth, Co. Dublin.

The Merrow

The Merrow

My version of the Celtic mermaid. She has fiery red hair and a metallic bronze scaled tail. A commission for Fingal Co. Council. You can find her in Howth, Co. Dublin. She is carved from a Cedar of Lebanon butt.

The Old Man of the Sea

The Old Man of the Sea

The “Old Man” is my take on an elderly fisherman repairing one of his nets and taking in the sights, sounds and smells all around him. A commission for Fingal Co. Council in Howth, Co. Dublin. Carved from Cedar of Lebanon.