Carved in Ash and can be found on the grounds of Malahide Castle, Co. Dublin.
Irish Red Deer Stag
The noble and brave Red Deer Stag carved in Cedar.
Barn Owls
Parent and child owls
Christ Crucified
A depiction of crucified Christ
Táin Bó Cúailnge
Four famous characters from the Irish legend – King Felim O’Conor, his son Aedh O’Conor, Queen Meave and Cuchulainn. All 4 busts are carved in Cedar and can be found at Roscommon’s Loughnanane Park.
Nature Chair
The Nature Chair can be found at Loughnanane Park, Roscommon Town. It reflects the wildfowl and animals that are native to the turlough and natural wetlands surrounding the area and is carved of Cedar.
Christmas 2019
2019’s set of quirky Santa’s before painting. For 2019 Father Christmas has got a robin sitting on his moustache!
Animals Everywhere
Lots of animals carved into a multi-stemmed Lime for a private client in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The Raven
A raven
The Dagda – a work in progress
An important God of the Tuatha de Danann…who is portrayed as a father figure, a king and druid. He is being carved from Sycamore and yet to be finished!
From the old Gaelic, Púca ….meaning goblin. The origin of the word Pooka is Scandinavian and translates as tree spirit. The Pooka is also known for shapeshifting into such forms as a rabbit, goat, goblin and an old man. This one is carved in Oak and resides at Castletown House…
The Norse Approach
My impression of the Viking sea serpent Jormungand, carved at the prow mast of the beautiful Viking longships… is depicted here rising above the sea swell! A commission for Fingal Co. Council carved from Macracarpa Cedar beams and it can be found in Howth, Co. Dublin.
The Merrow
My version of the Celtic mermaid. She has fiery red hair and a metallic bronze scaled tail. A commission for Fingal Co. Council. You can find her in Howth, Co. Dublin. She is carved from a Cedar of Lebanon butt.
The Old Man of the Sea
The “Old Man” is my take on an elderly fisherman repairing one of his nets and taking in the sights, sounds and smells all around him. A commission for Fingal Co. Council in Howth, Co. Dublin. Carved from Cedar of Lebanon.
Family of Owls
Log carving in Beech for private client depicting a family of owls in Kinsale, Co. Cork.
Chinese Dragon
Twin – Headed Chinese Dragon seat carved in Sycamore at Malahide Castle & Gardens, Dublin.
Wessex Pig
Wessex Pig carved in Cedar
Branch Owls
Beautiful, Bashful, Blue-Eyed , Branch Owls carved in Redwood (Sequoia)
The Green Man’s Heir
A Greenman inspired by Ben Baldwin. Having read the book by Juliet E McKenna and loved the cover illustration, I had to carve my version. Here it is is in lime.
A carving in chestnut for private clients depicts the human hand gently interacting with a cluster of butterflies.
Douglas Fir stump carving – Private commission in Belfast
The Wanderer
Odin – The Wanderer in Lime
Santas 2018
The Santa Claus collection 2018
The Deities
Five Celtic Deities along the N81
A Study of the Male Head
Male head carved from Lime
The Nature Goddess
The Nature Goddess at Millennium Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin
Norman Soldier
Norman soldiers guarding Malahide Castle, Co. Dublin
At work…..
At work in Belvedere House and Gardens, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath
Butterflies carved in wood
Finn, Diarmuid and Grainne
Horse chestnut woodcarving of Celtic legends
A Barn Owl and her chicks
A Barn Owl carving in Maple
Snorri McSnivet
Fun carving of a Viking
Wood Spirit in Lime
A Celtic Wood Spirit carved in Irish Lime
Brigid – A Celtic Goddess
Brigid the Celtic Goddess of Fire carved in Lawson Cypress
Celtic Spirit in Irish Lime
Celtic wood spirit in Irish Lime
The Pilgrim
The Pilgrim wood carving
The Warrior
The Warrior in Irish Lime and Yew
The Trickster
The Norse God Loki carved from Irish Lime.
Mide and The First Flame
Mythological carving in a variety of woods
Female Nude in Irish Yew
Irish female form carved in Irish Yew
A Study of the Male Torso
The male torso in Oak
Moon Gazing Hare with eyes of gold
Moon Gazing Hare in Cedar Wood
The All-Father
The Norse God, Odin, carved in Irish Sycamore
The Storyteller
A storytelling chair in Irish Lime
Santas 2017
Happy Santa Claus 2017
Norman sentry at Malahide
Log carving in Cedar
The Greenman of Malahide Castle
A Greenman in Scots Pine
The Flame Haired Goddess
Fiery Goddess in Cedar
Fionn MacChuail
Framed carving in Irish Lime
The Death of Cuchulain
Carving of Cuchulain in Irish Lime.
Manannan Mac Lír and Li Bán
Celtic sea deity woodcarvings in Cedar
The Wishing Chair
Ancient chair carved in Bog Oak
James’ Seat
Memorial bench in Oak.
The Children of Lír
35ft Redwood carving. Private Commission.
The Golfer
Onsite sculpture in Oak at Fota Island Golf Course
From Little Acorns
From Little Acorns in Cedar and Oak. Father Flanagan Memorial Garden, Ballymoe, Co Roscommon.
Demo carving for National Forestry Show.
6 foot high Oscar statue in painted Cedar
St Thomas the Apostle
St Thomas the Apostle in Cedar. Rosemount Church, Co. Westmeath.
The Druid and the Apprentice
Ash onsite carving. Private residence Dublin.
Fairy Village
Fairy Village in Ash. Carved on site in Ballinahown, Co Westmeath.
The Friendly Wizard
The Friendly Wizard. Private commission. Carved on site.
The Baron of Balrothery
The Baron of Balrothery in Beech. Carved on site at Balrothery, Co. Dublin.
An Pangur Bán
An Pangur Bán stump carving in Oak
The Hare, The Fox and The Owl
The Hare, The Fox and The Owl in Ash
Salmon of Knowledge
Salmon of Knowledge in Sycamore
Diarmuid and Gráinne
Carvings of Diarmuid and Grainne in Ash with some colour
Children of Lir
Children of Lir stump carving in Sycamore
Winter is Coming!
Game of Thrones inspired Winter is Coming coloured carving in Cedar